If you live in South Florida, you know that bugs are simply a normal part of your life. There are many different types of bugs that pest control companies come and deal with in the area on a regular basis. Eli Taieb knows this firsthand, as he got his start in the pest control industry in South Florida all the way back in 2000.


There are 32 different types of species of ants alone. This makes ants one of the most common types of bugs found in South Florida. Bugs like the humid weather, and homeowners know this in their Florida homes. It’s normal to have a few, but if you are seeing more than that, a colony may have formed and you will want to take care of it. If you have cats and dogs, you especially want to take care of any fleas or ticks that might be close by.


Like many places around the world, the mosquito is very common. Since Florida is so humid, mosquitoes lay their eggs in damp and swampy locations. This can be dangerous for your family because mosquitos can have diseases like yellow fever and Zika. It’s important to try and keep them away from your home. You can use fans to try and prevent them, or you also can use a reputable company (like Stingers Pest Control started by Eli Taieb) to come in and take care of them. If you end up having too many around your home, it can cost thousands of dollars of damage after working through the wood.


Mole crickets are also popular in southern Florida. This is because they like to live underground around mud tubes and can even be around walls. They are large and normally around 1.3 inches long. To the untrained eye, these can look like cockroaches. This bug comes from South America but is not very dangerous to humans; they can, however, cause plant destruction and hurt the soil around the house.

Palmetto Bugs

The palmetto bugs are another popular bug that is found in South Florida. These are a very large cockroach and can be a huge problem for people that own a home there. If you live in the Miami area, you also may call these the Florida Woods Cockroach. These can grow up to 1.6 inches in length, are usually brown or black, and have a terrible smell to them. They can even spray the scent towards other areas and spray up to one meter in length. Their scent glands are used to defend themselves against predators.

Biting Midges

The final common bug located around South Florida is calling the biting midge. These bugs will live near the water or anywhere tropical. They also are semi-aquatic and tiny (around 1/8th of an inch), so they can be hard to see. They do bite and will feed off human blood. There are 47 different types of midges around Florida, so these are very common. One of the things that makes this an annoying bug to be around is they can carry diseases and parasites. Many people also get an allergic reaction to the bite.

Now you know more about the common bugs located in southern Florida! If you live here or are thinking about moving here, be sure to contact a local pest control company, such as Stingers Pest Control which was started by Eli Taieb. They’ll help you protect your home from any pest.